The Dairy Hour Podcast

Welcome to the Dairy Hour Podcast, where rural charm meets personal growth! Join us as we milk every moment for wisdom, self-improvement, and mental wellness. I’m your host, Val Lavigne, a rural dairy farming mom with a passion for filling hearts while never forgetting to fill my own cup. Get ready for insightful conversations, empowering tips, and a splash of fun and laughs off course! Let’s cultivate growth, nourish our minds, and embrace the journey together. This is the Dairy Hour Podcast – where every episode is a breath of fresh air and the inspiration you need to be your best self! If you love this podcast, please leave a review and share with a friend! To be considered as a guest on the show, please email at or inquire on

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Do You Know How To Juggle?

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Welcome back, everyone! It's been a few weeks since we've connected, and I've missed our chats. I've been taking some time for reflection and healing from a persistent ear infection. But during this hiatus, I've been busy planning the next phase of our podcast journey.
Transition to Niche Focus:
I've thoroughly enjoyed our podcasting journey so far, but now it's time to delve deeper. I want to focus on the nitty-gritty aspects of life as a mom, particularly for those of us who feel like we're constantly juggling in the circus.
Personal Introduction:
As a rural mom of three, life is nothing short of chaotic. But amidst the chaos, I've found moments of clarity and purpose. I'm 35, happily married to a hardworking blue-collar guy, and deeply involved in our family's dairy farm.
Journey to Self-Improvement:
Over the past year and a half, I've made a conscious effort to become the best version of myself. It's a journey I want to share with all of you. I'll be bringing on guests who can inspire and guide you on your own paths to self-discovery and improvement.
Multifaceted Lifestyle:
Despite being labeled a "stay-at-home mom," I wear many hats. From managing our dairy farm to caring for horses and goats, my days are filled with diverse responsibilities. I'm also a milk inspector and dabble in the food truck business.
Emphasis on Self-Care:
Through social media and this podcast, I aim to advocate for the importance of self-care. It's essential to prioritize our well-being, whether we're mothers nurturing our families or farmers tending to our animals.
Fitness Journey:
Recently, I've developed a passion for fitness and pushing my physical limits. At 35, I'm discovering newfound strength and resilience, surpassing even my high school self. I'm excited to share this journey with you and explore ways to elevate our health and vitality together.
Closing Thoughts:
As we embark on this journey together, I invite you to join me in embracing the challenges and triumphs of rural motherhood. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes featuring inspiring guests and valuable insights. If you resonate with our mission, don't hesitate to share this podcast with others who could benefit from prioritizing self-care and personal growth. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to reconnecting with you next week!
Until next time, remember to prioritize self-care and nurture your well-being. Together, we can navigate the chaos of life and emerge stronger, wiser, and more fulfilled. Take care, and see you soon!

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Host: Val Lavigne (Dairy Gal Val)
Guest: Marilyn Hershey
Guest Background:
Marilyn and her husband Dwayne operate a dairy farm in Southeast Pennsylvania, milking about 850-900 cows.
Both Marilyn and Dwayne come from families with deep ties to farming, reflecting a multigenerational agricultural heritage.
Dwayne's parents started the current farm in the mid-60s, with Marilyn and Dwayne eventually taking over the operation.
Marilyn's father, still active at nearly 96 years old, remains involved in the farm's operations.
Challenges in Dairy Leadership:
Marilyn discusses the challenges of being a woman in the traditionally male-dominated field of agriculture.
Despite initially being the only woman among male colleagues, Marilyn felt respected and valued for her opinions.
Over time, the composition of the National Dairy Board has become more balanced in terms of gender representation.
Balancing Responsibilities:
Marilyn talks about balancing her farm responsibilities with her role as chair of Dairy Management Inc. (DMI).
With support from her husband Dwayne and a dedicated team on the farm, Marilyn has been able to fulfill her leadership responsibilities effectively.
Memorable Achievements:
Marilyn highlights her participation in international initiatives through DMI, such as engaging with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome.
She emphasizes the importance of building relationships and advocating for American agriculture on a global scale.
The Future:
Marilyn shares insights into the future of dairy and the role of checkoff programs.
She discusses the increasing consumption of dairy products in the United States and the importance of ensuring access to nutritious dairy products in schools.
Marilyn reflects on her tenure as Chair of DMI and her passion for promoting school milk programs.
She provides advice for aspiring leaders in agriculture, emphasizing the importance of self-confidence and making a difference in any position.
During the rapid-fire question round, Marilyn reveals her favorite Hershey's candy, her preference between being a morning person or a night owl, and her most interesting travel destination.
The episode concludes with Marilyn's inspirational message, highlighting the significance of faith, relationships, and making others feel respected and heard.
Connect with Marilyn Hershey:
LinkedIn: [Marilyn Hershey]
Stay tuned for the next episode of The Dairy Hour!
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Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Host: Val Lavigne (Dairy Gal)Guest: Taylor BogardusTopic: Balancing life on a dairy farm with family, work, and mental health
Introduction and Background:
Val introduces Taylor as a fellow dairy farmer from central New York.
Taylor shares about her 80-cow operation specializing in Ayrshires and Holsteins and their recent diversification efforts.
She discusses her transition from agriculture education to a more active role on the farm.
Balancing Farming and Family:
Taylor discusses challenges in balancing farm responsibilities with family time, especially with a young daughter.
Strategies for managing time effectively and prioritizing family activities are shared.
Prioritizing Mental Health:
Taylor opens up about her journey to prioritize mental health, emphasizing the importance of finding healthy outlets.
Daily exercise, including strength training and running, is highlighted as a crucial aspect of self-care.
Making Healthy Choices:
Taylor reflects on her decision to reduce alcohol consumption for mental and physical health benefits.
The societal pressure around alcohol and challenges to cultural norms are discussed.
Finding Support Systems and Balancing Responsibilities:
Transitioning back to the farm and adjusting schedules allowed for a more balanced parenting load between spouses.
Supportive spouses and grandparents play crucial roles in pursuing personal goals and maintaining mental well-being.
Setting boundaries and focusing on activities that bring joy and fulfillment are essential for preventing burnout.
Finding Fulfillment and Supportive Communities:
Building relationships with individuals who understand and respect personal values is emphasized.
Prioritizing self-care and personal interests contributes to overall well-being and satisfaction.
The importance of surrounding oneself with supportive communities and prioritizing personal fulfillment is highlighted.
Where to Follow Taylor's Farm:
Follow Locust Spring Farm on Facebook: Locust Spring Farm
Subscribe to the Podcast:
Subscribe to the Dairy Gal podcast on your favorite podcast platform for more insightful conversations with guests like Taylor Bogardus.
These show notes provide a comprehensive overview of the discussion, covering key points and insights shared by Taylor Bogardus on balancing life on the dairy farm, prioritizing mental health, and finding fulfillment in supportive communities.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Welcome to the Dairy Hour Podcast! Subscribe now and never miss an episode filled with insightful interviews, engaging conversations, and valuable insights into farm life, family dynamics, and agricultural advocacy.
Subscribe and Leave a Review: If you enjoy listening to the Dairy Hour Podcast, your feedback means the world to us! Leave a review and share your thoughts about the podcast. Your reviews help us improve and reach more listeners who can benefit from our content. So, take a moment to leave a review and let us know what you think!
Featured Episode: Muscles, Mindset, & Motivation! With Francesca Fontanelli
Follow Francesca on Instagram @FontFitness
In this episode, join host Val Lavigne, also known as Dairy Gal Val, as she delves into mental health, fitness, and the inspiring journey of Francesca Fontanelli, a Burn Boot Camp trainer, despite her non-farming background.
Introduction of Francesca: Francesca shares her transition from graphic designer to Burn Boot Camp trainer, emphasizing her passion for fitness and the supportive community at Burn Boot Camp.
Personal Health Journeys: Val and Francesca discuss their personal health journeys, highlighting the importance of staying active and the role of fitness in managing mental health.
Life-Altering Accident: Francesca recounts a life-altering accident in 2021 and the resilience and recovery process that followed, offering insights into overcoming adversity.
Reflections on the Accident: Val and Francesca reflect on the immediate aftermath of the accident and the transformative impact it had on their perspectives on life.
Impact on Perspective: The speakers explore how the accident changed their outlook on life, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing happiness and relationships.
Timeline of Recovery: The conversation moves to the timeline of recovery, detailing the challenges and triumphs encountered during the recovery process.
Embracing Challenges: They discuss the importance of celebrating small victories and maintaining a positive mindset throughout the recovery journey.
Finding Purpose: Francesca reflects on finding purpose through adversity and using personal experiences to empathize with others.
International Women’s Day and Mental Health: The episode coincides with International Women's Day, highlighting the significance of mental health in agriculture and encouraging individuals to prioritize their well-being.
Discussion on Mental Health in Agriculture: The speakers address mental health challenges in agriculture, emphasizing the importance of seeking help and support.
The Importance of Exercise for Mental Well-being: Personal experiences are shared regarding the role of exercise in coping with stress and improving mental health.
Discussion on Women's Body Image and Societal Pressures: They discuss societal pressures on women's bodies and the importance of focusing on overall well-being.
Prioritization and Self-Care: The conversation revolves around prioritizing self-care and setting an example for children by making time for fitness.
Misconceptions and Stigmas: The speakers challenge misconceptions about women and strength, emphasizing the importance of functional strength and physical capability.
Conclusion and Final Words of Wisdom: The episode concludes with an affirmation of the transformative power of fitness and the importance of prioritizing self-care for overall well-being.
Subscribe and Leave a Review: Thank you for supporting the Dairy Hour Podcast! Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review to help us reach more listeners and continue providing valuable content. Happy listening! 🎙️🐄

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Subscribe and Leave a Review for the Dairy Hour Podcast! Don't miss out on the latest episodes of the Dairy Hour Podcast! Stay up-to-date with insightful interviews, engaging conversations, and valuable insights into farm life, family dynamics, and agricultural advocacy.
Subscribe to the Dairy Hour Podcast on your favorite podcast platform to receive notifications whenever a new episode is released.
Your feedback is important to us! If you enjoy listening to the Dairy Hour Podcast, we'd love to hear from you. Leave a review and share your thoughts about the podcast. Your reviews help us improve and reach more listeners who can benefit from our content. So, take a moment to leave a review and let us know what you think! Thank you for supporting the Dairy Hour Podcast. Happy listening! 🎙️🐄
Host: Dairy Gal Val (Val Lavigne)
Guests: Outgoing New York State Dairy Ambassadors - Arianna Aman, Eliza Schoeberl, and Isabella Esposito
Opening Remarks:
Val welcomes the audience to the Dairy Hour podcast and introduces the guests.
Val highlights the role of the outgoing New York State Dairy Ambassadors in promoting the dairy industry and educating consumers.
Guest Introductions:
Arianna Aman: Former New York State Dairy Ambassador (2023-2024). Pursuing dairy and law.
Eliza Schoeberl: Former New York State First Associate Dairy Ambassador (2023-2024). A high school senior with a passion for dairy promotion.
Isabella Esposito: Former New York State Second Associate Dairy Ambassador (2023-2024). Also a high school senior with plans to pursue agribusiness.
Motivation to Become Dairy Ambassadors:
Guests share their motivations, including family influences, passion for dairy, and desire to educate consumers.
Highlights of the Past Year:
Each guest shares memorable experiences, such as participating in events like Fuel Up to Play 60, social media mentorship, and working at the Milk Bar during the New York State Fair.
Challenges Faced and Overcome:
Guests discuss challenges such as time management and feelings of guilt for not reaching enough consumers, emphasizing the importance of finding balance and prioritizing efforts.
Contribution to Raising Awareness about the Dairy Industry:
Guests highlight their efforts in bridging the gap between consumers and dairy farmers through education, advocacy, and personal interactions.
Memorable Interactions:
Guests recall meaningful interactions with consumers, including inspiring children at events and sparking conversations with teachers after media interviews.
Aspirations and Goals for the Future:
Guests share their future plans, which include pursuing education in law and agribusiness while continuing to advocate for the dairy industry.
Advice for Incoming Dairy Ambassadors:
Guests offer advice to future ambassadors, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the experience, being genuine, and making the most of every opportunity.
Closing Remarks:
Val expresses gratitude to the guests for their dedication to the dairy industry and wishes them success in their future endeavors.
Guest Contact Information:
Guests provide information on where to follow the New York State Dairy Ambassador program on social media platforms.
Val bids farewell to the outgoing ambassadors and encourages listeners to support the program and engage with its content.

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

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Welcome to the Dairy Hour podcast with your host, Val Lavigne and special guest, Stacy Rethman.
Discussion about surviving the winter on a dairy farm and the challenges it brings.
About Stacy Rethman:
Fourth-generation dairy farmer from northeast Kansas.
Operates the farm with her parents and husband, with grandparents stepping back into retirement.
Transitioned from teaching to full-time dairy farming in 2020.
Married with two children.
Early Farming Experience:
Stacy recalls early childhood experiences helping with farm chores, such as dipping cows after milking.
Despite initial reluctance, Stacy developed a passion for farming, especially through involvement in 4-H and showing cattle.
Graduated from Washburn University with a degree in education and worked as a middle school math and science teacher for seven years.
Transition to Full-Time Farming
Started part-time farming while teaching, gradually increasing involvement over time.
Transitioned to full-time farming in 2020, finding flexibility and fulfillment in managing her own schedule.
Balancing work and personal life remains a challenge but allows for greater autonomy.
Family Dynamics on the Farm:
Stacy's husband works full-time off the farm but occasionally helps out.
Siblings have varying degrees of involvement in farming, with Stacy being the most heavily invested.
Stacy's younger brother currently works part-time on the farm and may explore other options after high school.
Adoption of Robotic Milking:
The farm began implementing robotic milking in fall 2019, initially installing four robots and later adding four more.
The decision to transition from traditional milking to robots was driven by efficiency and labor considerations.
The farm is gradually increasing its robotic milking capacity while maintaining a balance with traditional milking methods.
Labor on the Farm:
The transition to full-time farming and adoption of robotic milking represent significant changes for Stacy and her family.
Challenges and opportunities lie ahead as the farm evolves and adapts to new technologies and practices.
Working with Spouse:
Stacy expresses her enjoyment of working with her husband without any significant issues, attributing their smooth collaboration to their complementary roles on the farm.
They discuss occasional challenges, such as needing assistance when stuck in a situation on the farm.
Balancing Work and Family:
The conversation delves into the topic of balancing work and family life, with Stacy emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries to prevent burnout.
Stacy shares her strategies for managing time effectively and ensuring quality time with her family while fulfilling farm responsibilities.
They reflect on the transition when Stacy's husband worked off the farm, highlighting the adjustments they had to make in their daily routines.
Farm Life Flexibility:
Stacy discusses the flexibility of farm life, enabling her to weave in errands and other tasks around her farm duties.
She shares anecdotes about driving a tractor home for lunch and the convenience of living close to the farm.
Challenges and Rewards of Farming:
Stacy reflects on the challenges and rewards of returning to the farm, emphasizing the satisfaction of working outdoors and caring for the animals.
The conversation touches on the unique personalities of cows and the joy of watching them thrive under her care.
Social Media Advocacy:
Stacy talks about her decision to share her farming journey on social media, aiming to educate the public about dairy farming and promote the care of animals.
She highlights her involvement in programs like Adopt a Cow, which fosters connections between students and dairy farms, promoting agricultural education.
Random Questions and Inspirational Saying:
Stacy shares her love for hiking in the mountains as her dream vacation and her preference for mozzarella cheese.
She discusses the importance of prioritizing tasks and shares a meaningful quote about juggling responsibilities, resonating with her experience as a mom and farmer.
Closing Remarks:
Thank you Stacy for sharing your insights! Please follow her on Instagram ( for more farm adventures.
Guest Information:
Guest: Stacy
Social Media: Instagram (

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

This episode is sponsored by Renaissance Ag!
Introduction of Alex Peterson:
Peterson introduces himself as a third-generation dairy farmer from northern Missouri.
He holds positions as chairman of the United Dairy Industry Association and the US Dairy Export Council.
Description of Peterson's Dairy Farm:
Peterson describes his family's farm as a unique operation in North Missouri.
They run a management-intensive grazing dairy with approximately 150 cross cows of various breeds.
Childhood Experience on the Dairy Farm:
Peterson shares memories of growing up on the dairy farm as the youngest of three boys.
He recalls his mother's advice to excel in school to avoid a lifetime of milking cows, which influenced him and his siblings to prioritize education.
Discussion of the challenges and rewards of working with family on the farm.
Thoughts on Farming and Family Dynamics:
Peterson reflects on the family aspect of farming and the understanding and support among family members.
Leadership and Opportunities:
Reflection on leadership roles within the dairy industry.
Experiences representing the dairy industry internationally.
Opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Adoption of new technologies to improve efficiency and sustainability.
Benefits of robotics, data analytics, and innovative farming practices.
Importance of sustainable farming practices and reducing carbon footprint.
Initiatives promoting renewable energy and waste management.
Need for transparency and open communication with consumers.
Importance of building trust and confidence in the dairy industry.
Trade Mission Trips:
Discussion on the speaker's involvement with the US Dairy Export Council and their shift in focus towards trade missions.
Emphasis on the unique experiences gained from international trade missions and culinary exploration.
Description of the speaker's first trade mission trip to Dubai, highlighting the diverse business landscape and cultural intersections.
Insights into the retail dynamics and consumer engagement strategies observed during trade missions.
Engagement with local influencers, chefs, and culinary schools to promote US dairy products and build trust.
Partnerships and Advocacy:
Collaboration with US government representatives, particularly the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), to advocate for US dairy products internationally.
Discussion on the importance of growing demand for dairy products globally and fostering positive relationships with local farmers.
Specialty Trips:
Experiences from specialty trips, including participation in events like the UN Climate Summit (COP) to highlight sustainability efforts in agriculture.
Importance of showcasing innovative sustainability practices in agriculture and the positive impact on global discussions.
Culinary Adventures:
Reflections on culinary experiences during trade missions, including encounters with traditional Japanese cuisine and interactions with renowned chefs.
Exploration of unique food combinations and local delicacies, such as grilled cheese sandwiches with Munster cheese and pepperoni.
Personal Insights and Motivation:
Personal motto of prioritizing meaningful experiences and integrity in all endeavors.
Gratitude for the opportunity to represent US dairy internationally and the honor of contributing to the industry's growth and recognition.
Closing Remarks:
Appreciation for the support and recognition of the dairy industry's efforts.
Encouragement for consumers to stock up on dairy products and embrace culinary exploration.
Invitation to follow the Alex's adventures on social media platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn (@Alex Peterson)
Acknowledgment of the Alex's valuable contributions to the dairy industry and anticipation for future endeavors.

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

This episode is sponsored by Renaissance Ag!
Host: Dairy Gal Val or Val Lavigne
Guest: Paige Roberts
Paige's current role: Herds Manager for a 150-cow dairy in central Minnesota.
Transition to robotic milking: Recently installed four DeLaval milking robots.
Other responsibilities: Overseeing herd health, calf care, on-farm creamery (10% milk turned into cheese), and conducting farm tours.
Paige's Background:
Grew up in central Minnesota, surrounded by farming.
College: Initially a psychology major at the University of Wisconsin, River Falls.
Shift to agriculture: Discovered a passion for agriculture during an environmental science class in the College of Agriculture.
Career Path:
Post-college: Worked for a dairy veterinarian in Rochester, Minnesota, focusing on large animal vet tech work.
Transition to on-farm creamery: Connected with Red Head Creamery, working for Lucas and Elise Salstrom.
Eight years on the farm: Evolving from milking cows and creamery work to becoming the herd manager.
Adoption of milking robots: Quick transition from discussing robots to implementing them due to challenges in finding labor for milking.
Creamery Expansion:
Creamery products: Initially started with cheddar cheese and cheese curds; expanded to seven consistent cheeses.
Future plans: Doubling creamery space, adding a distillery for fermenting whey into a clear alcohol called raga.
Personal Preferences:
Go-to pizza order: Pepperoni with extra cheese.
Drink of choice: Hot chocolate (non-caffeinated).
Favorite cheese: Honey Chipotle or Pepper Jack.
Inspirational Quote:
"If you have to eat a frog, eat it for breakfast. If you have to eat two frogs, eat the big one first." - Mark Twain
Guest Question:
If Paige had to change her agriculture focus, she would choose row crop farming (corn and soybeans) for the enjoyment of tractor work and making hay.
Social Media:
Paige's Instagram: @Paige_Farms
TikTok: Limited presence, primarily active on Instagram.
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Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Guest: 76th Alice in Dairyland - Ashley Hagenow
You can follow Ashley in her adventures:
Facebook @Alice in Dairyland
Instagram @aliceindairyland
LinkedIn: Alice in Dairyland
 YouTube @Alice in Dairyland 
Please, if you like this episode, please share it on social media or with friends and tag @DairyGalVal ! You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube @DairyGalVal and you can contact me via
Welcoming Ashley Hagenow, the 76th Alice in Dairyland.
Ashley shares her excitement about being on the podcast and mentions the frigid temperatures in Wisconsin.
Role as Alice in Dairyland:
Ashley talks about her role as the 76th Alice in Dairyland, representing Wisconsin's agricultural industry.
Describes her responsibilities, including traveling extensively, promoting agriculture through media interviews, speeches, and presentations.
Highlights the honor of serving in this role and mentions the fast-paced and fun experience.
Background and Agriculture Involvement:
Ashley discusses her agricultural background, growing up in a family with a love for agriculture.
Mentions her involvement in 4-H and FFA, showcasing livestock species, judging dairy cattle, and participating in various projects.
Talks about her college experiences, agricultural sorority, and internships in the agriculture and dairy sector.
Decision to Become Alice in Dairyland:
Ashley reflects on her decision to apply for Alice in Dairyland, mentioning encouragement received after running for state FFA office.
Talks about the gradual consideration of the role throughout college and the decision to apply a year ago.
Expresses gratitude for the opportunity and the enriching experiences she's had.
Application Process for Alice in Dairyland:
Discusses the ongoing recruitment for the next Alice in Dairyland (77th) and outlines the application process.
Mentions requirements such as being a Wisconsin resident, at least 21 years old, and having experience in marketing, communications, education, or public relations.
Describes the application materials and interview process.
Involvement in Selecting the Next Alice in Dairyland:
Explains the role of different judging panels for preliminary interviews and the Alice in Dairyland finals.
Alice in Dairyland Finals and Future Plans:
Discusses the timing of the Alice in Dairyland finals in May.
Talks about her future plans after concluding her term, emphasizing a desire to stay involved in the agriculture industry.
Memorable Events as Alice in Dairyland:
Shares some highlights of events she has attended, including Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Wisconsin State Fair, and World Dairy Expo.
Describes the unique experience of traveling internationally with the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin to Taiwan, mainland China, and Hong Kong.
Wisconsin's Diverse Agriculture:
Highlights the diversity of Wisconsin's agriculture, including ginseng, horseradish, green beans, cranberries, mink pelts, and various dairy products.
Personal Tidbits:
Discusses her love for cookies and cream ice cream and her go-to music genre to get in the zone, which is movie soundtracks without lyrics.
Shares her dream vacation, expressing an interest in backpacking across Europe, exploring different countries, cultures, and agricultural practices.
Closing Thoughts and Quote:
Expresses the importance of soaking in the experiences as Alice in Dairyland and making the most of the last few months.
Shares a quote that has inspired her: "Your experiences have gotten you this far, but it's up to you to keep going." Explains how it resonates with facing challenges and being a lifelong learner.
Thanking Ashley Hagenow for being on the podcast and wishes her well in her remaining months as Alice in Dairyland.
Expresses excitement about potential future encounters and signs off, thanking listeners for tuning in.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

In this episode we welcome Special Guest, Wilko Brouwer de Koning from the Netherlands, a third-generation dairy farmer.
Discussing the significance of Holland as a dairy powerhouse globally and meeting Wilko at the World Dairy Summit in Chicago.
Farm Operation: Brief overview of Wilko's dairy farm, location, and the scale of operation.
Family Involvement: Mentioning Wilko's family, including his brother and three children.
Farm Size: Highlighting the farm's size compared to the average in Holland. 
Detailing the milking routine, including sheds, milking robots, and grazing.
Grazing Importance: Discussing the significance of grazing in Holland and its impact on milk quality.
Community Engagement: Emphasizing the importance of connecting with neighbors and the community.
Challenges in Dairy Farming:
Land Restrictions: Explaining the challenges in starting a farm in Holland due to high land costs.
Quota System: Discussing limitations on phosphate and the challenges imposed by manure laws.
Future Challenges: Addressing upcoming challenges related to reducing the number of cows and managing manure.
Sustainable Farming Practices:
Innovations: Noting the presence of innovations on Dutch farms but challenges in their implementation.
Carbon Footprint: Discussing the need to address carbon, nitrogen, and phosphate levels on the farm.
Grassland Importance: Emphasizing the role of grassland in sustainable dairy farming.
Generational Transition:
Transition Story: Discussing the transition from the previous generation to Wilko and his brother.
Involvement of Previous Generation: Mentioning Wilko's father's continued support after retirement.
Global Dairy Industry:
Comparison with the U.S.: Comparing family farms in Holland with the diverse sizes in the U.S.
Global Dairy Trends: Highlighting the alarming rate of dairy farm retirements worldwide.
Fun Questions!
Closing Statements
You can follow Wilco on X @boertercoulster  on LinkedIn @Wilco Brouwer de Koning   and on Facebook @Wilco Brouwer de Koning
Please, if you like this episode, please share it on social media or with friends and tag @DairyGalVal ! You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube @DairyGalVal and you can contact me via

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