Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

The Power of Intention and Connections! With Peggy Coffeen & Katy Shultz

The conversation features a discussion between host, Val Lavigne, Katy Schultz, and Peggy Coffeen, who share their experiences as rural moms and entrepreneurs in the dairy industry. They discuss challenges, mindset, work-life balance, and maintaining relationships. They also emphasize the importance of setting boundaries, maintaining a positive mindset, and being intentional about personal and professional growth. The conversation covers the themes of work-life balance, time management, personal development, and entrepreneurial journey. Both guests share insights on juggling priorities, setting boundaries, and aligning actions with core values. They emphasize the importance of passion, clarity, and serving others. The conversation is filled with practical advice and thought-provoking reflections on personal growth and professional success.
dairy industry, rural moms, entrepreneurs, challenges, mindset, work-life balance, relationships, boundaries, positive mindset, personal growth, professional growth, work-life balance, time management, personal development, entrepreneurial journey, passion, core values, serving others, setting boundaries, clarity, professional success
  • Setting boundaries and maintaining a positive mindset are crucial for personal and professional growth.
  • Work-life balance is better viewed as a juggling act rather than a state of perfect equilibrium.
  • Maintaining relationships and supporting others requires intentional effort and genuine connections.
  • Creating non-negotiables in daily routines can help in achieving personal satisfaction and maintaining focus.
  • Being intentional about the top five people in one's life and surrounding oneself with authentic, supportive individuals is essential for personal growth and well-being. Work-life balance is more about juggling priorities than achieving perfect balance.
  • Setting boundaries and aligning actions with core values are essential for personal and professional growth.
  • Passion, clarity, and serving others are key elements in pursuing an entrepreneurial journey.
  • Success is defined by personal fulfillment and alignment with core values, not just external achievements.
Sound Bites
  • "When God says move, He's also saying remove and remove the things that are holding you back from moving in the right direction."
  • "If something is not falling in those buckets or all three of those buckets, it's not that important to me."
  • "If you made a list of all the things you cared about and you crossed off 95% of them, you'd know what really matters."
  • "In everything you do, look at how you can serve and love and care to those around you."
00:00Navigating the Juggling Act: Challenges and Growth in the Dairy Industry
16:07The Power of Intention: Maintaining Positive Mindset and Boundaries
51:35The Art of Juggling: Work-Life Balance and Priorities
01:02:32Setting Boundaries and Aligning with Core Values
01:09:36Passion, Clarity, and Serving Others in Entrepreneurship
Follow Peggy @Upleveldairy
Follow Katy @tri_fecta_farms_family_market or @KatyShultz on Facebook

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